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- 1996
- ACM is formed by a joint venture between Asama Giken Co., Ltd and American Honda Motor Co., Inc.
- ACM Incorporated by State of Michigan
- 1997
- First production Associate joins ACM
- Machining begins mass production (L4 ex. manifold & rear disc)
- Casting begins mass production
- 1998
- Front/Rear knuckle, V6 exhaust manifold, and drum line mass production begins
- 1999
- Phase II (50,000 square foot) expansion begins
- Earned ISO 9001+ registration (Quality)
- Drum-in-disc machining production begins
- 2000
- Rear brake drum machining production begins
- Phase III (50,000 square foot) expansion begins
- 2002
- Earned upgraded ISO 9001-2000 registration (Quality)
- 2003
- Production of first ATV knuckle (casting, machining, and sub-assembly)
- Phase IV (new warehouse for finished goods) expansion completed
- 2004
- Earned ISO 14001 registration (Environmental)
- 2006
- Earned upgraded ISO 14001-2004 registration (Environmental)
- 2007
- Ground broken on casting expansion and new warehouse
- 2008
- Casting expansion mass production begins
- Front disc mass production begins
- 2009
- Casting chip spinner installation
- 2010
- Casting chip spinner begins full operation
- 2011
- Steering knuckle machining mass production ends
- 2012
- 2013
- Acquired ACM Georgia facility in Warrenton, GA
- 2014
- Removed DISA 2070 from ACM GA LLC
- Installed DISA 240 at ACM GA LLC
- ACM GA LLC Machining new construction begins
- 2015
- ACM GA LLC DID 2 mass production begins
- ACM GA LLC Paint Line 3 mass production begins
- Dynamometer installed at ACM
- 2016
- ACM GA LLC Front Disc 5 mass production begins
- 2017
- ACM GA LLC Core Line 1 mass production
- ACM GA LLC Core Line 2 startup
- 2019
- Casting shuttle equipment installed (Michigan facility)
- ACM repurchases (buyback) all shares of ACM stock held by American Honda Motor Co., Inc.
- Asama Giken Co., Ltd becomes sole shareholder of ACM
- 2022
- ACM purchases 100% of stock of Kiriu USA Corporation in Bowling Green, KY
- ACM 39,000 square foot expansion is added to accommodate new machining and paint equipment